Camp Meal Planning

7 Tips for a Great Camp Meal Plan

Embarking on a camping trip requires consideration of countless details, with food ranking among the top priorities. It’s improbable that you’d neglect to bring food entirely, but you might not maximize your experience if you don’t choose the most suitable foods for the environment. Let us guide you through the intricacies of camp meal planning…

White Mountain
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Hiking the White Mountain Peak Trail

In the summer of 2015, my boyfriend and I went off adventuring into the White Mountains of the Eastern Sierras. This was only a month after I had back surgery and we had dreams of conquering Mt Whitney along with White Mountain Peak in these few weeks in the wilderness of central California. Trekking up a few fourteeners was a lofty goal but to be perfectly honest, just being able to walk and hike again after years of crippling sciatica pain was in itself an unbelievably amazing gift. Over our few weeks in the eastern sierras, we did some fantastic hikes, had some crazy outdoor shenanigans and a great summer in the Eastern Sierras! One of the highlights of our trip though was exploring the White Mountains. If you enjoy off-roading, camping or hiking, then White Mountain Peak is a place you really must check out that is completely off the beaten path. Oh, and did I mention there are fuzzy mischevious yellow-bellied marmots? Marmots may be absolutely adorable but they are the troublemakers of the eastern sierras as we learned first hand!

bear safety
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Essential Bear Safety Tips for Staying Safe in Bear Country

Don’t mess with the wildlife and the wildlife won’t mess with you. I have never had a single bad run in with a bear, though I have been very close to them. Never once have I felt threatened, because I use proper precautions. I’ve never surprised a bear, never stored food in my tent. And, unlike some tourists in videos gone viral, I don’t feed the wildlife. Bear safety begins with respect for nature and some simple skills to help keep you safe.

North Rim Big Bend National Park
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Big Bend The Place Of Unforgettable Memories

This New Year’s instead of staying in the bustle of Austin, waiting for the fireworks and drinking to my heart’s content, I thought I would do something different. I would backpack into Big Bend National Park and enjoy my New Year’s hiking up ridges and enjoying the views that nature has to offer. Big Bend…

Climbing and fear management
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Climbing and Fear Management

It had been twenty feet of easy climbing with another thirty to go.  This fifty feet would make a fine warmup and then I could move on to some harder climbs.  I climbed to another comfortable spot and looked at the granite in front of me- nowhere to place anything.  I was only about five feet above my last placement, so I decided to keep climbing.  Another comfortable spot, another barren wasteland of blank rock.