bear safety
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Essential Bear Safety Tips for Staying Safe in Bear Country

Don’t mess with the wildlife and the wildlife won’t mess with you. I have never had a single bad run in with a bear, though I have been very close to them. Never once have I felt threatened, because I use proper precautions. I’ve never surprised a bear, never stored food in my tent. And, unlike some tourists in videos gone viral, I don’t feed the wildlife. Bear safety begins with respect for nature and some simple skills to help keep you safe.

The beauty of a late winter thaw
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Essential Backcountry Map Skills in Alaska

There was still plenty of snow, not enough to be trouble, but more than enough to be beautiful. The wind was strong and it howled its way through the valley. The tundra was still a deep brown color, as winter had not yet truly ended, and the overcast skies gave the place a beautifully desolate feel. Naturally, we were the only ones there and we took our time on the way down. There was no reason to rush.

Turnbull Canyon mountains
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Turnbull Canyon: A Stunning Photo Journey

Join us on a stunning visual adventure through Turnbull Canyon, nestled in the heart of the Puente Hills Preserve. This blog captures the beauty and hidden treasures of one of Southern California’s most scenic spots. From its dusty landscapes to panoramic views, each photo tells a story of exploration and discovery. Whether you’re an avid…

Crashed Airplane in Alaska at Bomber Glacier
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Hiking the Bomber Glacier, Alaska

The cockpit, indeed the entire front half of the plane was gone, ripped from the rest of the plane. What seemed to be the front half was separate, crushed on the ice quite far from the rear of the plane. The most recognizable pieces were the tail section, the four gigantic engines, the unused landing gear. One of the wings lay separate from the rest, ripped from its body. The bomber glacier hike has so much in store, read on to learn more!

Off the beaten path India
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Exploring off the beaten path India

It was my trip to India and I did not want to do all the touristy things. I was not interested in marching through the Taj Mahal in Agra with millions of other sweaty tourists taking selfies with their iPhones. I wanted an authentic India experience eating local meals like Bheja Fry in restaurants where you would not find another American and the menu is not in English. I wanted to try local delicacies and see how Anglo-Indians spent their days. Rather than laying out and partying at tourist beach hot spots like Goa or fighting my way through the crowds in Mumbai, I wanted to swim with elephants in the jungle and go on safari looking for panthers at night. This is my untouristy India experience.

Horseshoe Lake Denali National Park, Alaska
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Hiking Horseshoe Lake, Denali Alaska

The rain was falling lightly, enough to ensure that I had the entire trail to myself. About half a mile in, the trail seemed to fall away at a bluff. I stood there in silence, looking out over a medium-sized lake framed by mountains, with a few tiny cabins in the distance. Join me on my journey as I Hike Horseshoe Lake of Denali National Park get lost in its quiet beauty.

North Rim Big Bend National Park
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Big Bend The Place Of Unforgettable Memories

This New Year’s instead of staying in the bustle of Austin, waiting for the fireworks and drinking to my heart’s content, I thought I would do something different. I would backpack into Big Bend National Park and enjoy my New Year’s hiking up ridges and enjoying the views that nature has to offer. Big Bend…