
10 Easy Stress Reduction Methods

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10 Easy Stress Reduction Methods Read More »

White Mountain

Marmot Mornings; Shenanigans hiking the White Mountain Peak Trail

In the summer of 2015, my boyfriend and I went off adventuring into the White Mountains of the Eastern Sierras. This was only a month after I had back surgery and we had dreams of conquering Mt Whitney along with White Mountain Peak in these few weeks in the wilderness of central California. Trekking up a few fourteeners was a lofty goal but to be perfectly honest, just being able to walk and hike again after years of crippling sciatica pain was in itself an unbelievably amazing gift. Over our few weeks in the eastern sierras, we did some fantastic hikes, had some crazy outdoor shenanigans and a great summer in the Eastern Sierras! One of the highlights of our trip though was exploring the White Mountains. If you enjoy off-roading, camping or hiking, then White Mountain Peak is a place you really must check out that is completely off the beaten path. Oh, and did I mention there are fuzzy mischevious yellow-bellied marmots? Marmots may be absolutely adorable but they are the troublemakers of the eastern sierras as we learned first hand!

Marmot Mornings; Shenanigans hiking the White Mountain Peak Trail Read More »

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