
Explore breathtaking mountain hikes and adventures on Rock Chuck Summit. Discover tips, trails, and stories to inspire your next

bear safety

Essential Bear Safety Tips for Staying Safe in Bear Country

Don’t mess with the wildlife and the wildlife won’t mess with you. I have never had a single bad run in with a bear, though I have been very close to them. Never once have I felt threatened, because I use proper precautions. I’ve never surprised a bear, never stored food in my tent. And, unlike some tourists in videos gone viral, I don’t feed the wildlife. Bear safety begins with respect for nature and some simple skills to help keep you safe.

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Crashed Airplane in Alaska at Bomber Glacier

Hiking the Bomber Glacier, Alaska

The cockpit, indeed the entire front half of the plane was gone, ripped from the rest of the plane. What seemed to be the front half was separate, crushed on the ice quite far from the rear of the plane. The most recognizable pieces were the tail section, the four gigantic engines, the unused landing gear. One of the wings lay separate from the rest, ripped from its body. The bomber glacier hike has so much in store, read on to learn more!

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San Gorgonio

Hiking San Gorgonio in the Winter Months

I spend so many daylight hours of my winter months, no not chilling by the fireplace with a latte and a good book, but out on the snowy trails of the San Gorgonio Wilderness. I’m either hiking with crampons strapped to my hiking boots or bundled up in all the layers and walking on my snowshoes through four feet of deep snow if it’s a day between January and March. The San Gorgonio Wilderness is not well traveled by most local hikers in the winter time but the peaks are just so stunningly gorgeous during the winter! Let me tell you a thing or two about winter hiking San G!

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